According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, employers are responsible for providing a safe work environment for their employees. This includes minimising the risk of electric shock from portable electrical equipment and appliances. A workplace risk management system should include electrical testing and tagging in order to prevent the injury or death of workers. If inadequate safety results in an injury or death, employers and all levels of management face significant penalties.
At Ram Test and Tag Melbourne, we can perform inspections of the equipment you wish to sell or purchase to ensure it complies with your state’s electrical safety regulations.
The frequency of inspection, testing and tagging varies depending on the type of electrical item or equipment, with higher safety risk items requiring more frequent checks than those with lower risks. For instance, tradesmen and carpenters face greater hazards when using their electrical equipment and thus need more frequent inspections compared to a regular office computer. You may contact us now for test and tag services Melbourne.
An appliance test is a method of ensuring that electrical appliances are safe, and the environment in which they are used or stored is safe, and tagging the appliances to indicate that they have been tested, and when they need to be tested again. You will have your electrical appliances inspected, tested electrically, and tagged with a dated tag by a qualified technician. In addition to providing you with a record, they will also show you that you have followed electrical testing and risk management laws. You may check our best test and tag prices in Melbourne.
A double-insulated electrical item or equipment should be tested and tagged according to AS/NZS3760 table 4.
AS/NZS 3760 requires that new items must be tagged ‘once in service’ even though they do not require testing. That’s test and tag available in melbourne for each items in company required.
Multimeters are not adequate tools as they are not compliant with AS/NZS3760. A leakage current test is mandatory for equipment with electronic, magnetic, or membrane switches. These types of equipment may be found in offices, kitchens and construction sites. You must ensure that your service provider does not rely solely on a multimeter as it does not meet the test and tag services melbourne testing and tagging requirements victoria as stated in AS/NZS3760.
We have qualified technicians throughout the country who are qualified to perform electrical testing and tagging according to Australian standards. You may check our test and tag Melbourne prices for affordable packages.
As test and tag available in Melbourne all portable and non-portable electrical appliances should be tested and tagged with a flexible supply lead in your workplace. Portable appliances can be found in more places than you may think.
In accordance with AS/NZS 3760:2010, all test and tag services Melbourne records provide a concise history of all tests as well as adequate tagging that indicates the assessment date.
What Is Test and Tag Services?
Our Test and Tag Services Melbourne is a standard procedure of inspecting/checking and testing electrical equipment and appliances to ensure they are safe to use. It is typically performed by a qualified electrician or a specially trained technician. The process involves visually inspecting the equipment for any signs of damage or wear, and then conducting a series of tests to check for electrical faults or damage that may not be visible.
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